How to Select Valves in Different Temperatures?

keystone grw butterfly valve

keystone grl butterfly valve

12 inch butterfly valve

If you have to choose a valve for high-temperature conditions, you must choose the material accordingly. The material of the valve should be that that can bear high-temperature conditions and can remain stable with the same structure. Valves in high-temperature conditions must have a strong structure. These materials can be high-quality stainless steel and two-sided stainless steel. Low standard material can’t be used that can affect the bonding with respect to temperature, or you should avoid the deformation or creep material valves.

High-temperature conditions

Throttle butterfly kind of valves may prove stable in high-temperature conditions. The structure and body of the valves should be considered along with the heat sink so that it can be trimmed with the heat setting materials. If you consider the valves, the material of the valves is not much stable. If the temperature exceeds the limit that the valve can withstand, then it will not be suitable for your valves.

You have to consider the valves with ceramic lines, or some valves come with the cooling jackets to balance the effects of temperatures conditions. These cooling jackets work with the help of the circulation of cold water. So the material inside the valve will remain balanced without any stress of upper limits.

Low-temperature conditions

If the temperatures are extremely low, like for -29℃, you have to choose the valves with materials with a low-temperature resistant coefficient. In the range of extremely low temperatures of – 29 to -196 degrees centigrade, the housing and trim materials have enough impact of toughness so that the heat will remain maintained, and it can balance the effects of extremely cold temperatures.

In such conditions of low temperatures, you must have to choose the valves with the material that comes with fillers and have a tank section to manage the needs of heat. These kinds of valves are selected so that the temperature conditions can remain above 0 ℃.

Preventive measurements in different temperature

There is an exception when it comes to preventive measures for the valves. When the valve is closed, there will be a portion of liquid that will remain closed in the valve chamber. As time goes on, some residues of fluids will remain in the valve chamber. So the heat will be absorbed by the atmosphere slowly, and it will get again to the same temperature conditions or will be vaporized in that chamber of the valve.

When this phenomenon occurs, the volume will be enhanced about 600 times, which will offer an incredible amount of stress on the body of the valve. This high amount of stress or pressure on the valve’s body will be known as the abnormal value of pressure. This condition will not be manageable, so it may cause severe issues with the valves and may become the source of accidents through it.

To avoid such bad experiences with valves in multiple temperature conditions, you must have to choose the valves with the perfectly set hole. These kinds of valves are commonly used in this situation, and this method has a wide range of applications in this field.

Some additional tips will help you to select valves in different temperatures. You must have to keep these points in mind while choosing the valve for your requirements.

Tips for selection of valve in different temperatures.

Size and Type of valve

Choose the valve that will match the size requirement and will best match the function you are using. The valve must have to perform these essential functions for better working.

  1. It must have to completely shut off the flow of liquid when it is closed.
  2. It should have the function of diverting and mixing flows.
  3. It has to bear the pressure and remain strong in stressful conditions.
  4. It has to fulfill the preventive measures from backflow.
  5. The liquid flow through the valve should be manageable with all kinds of temperature conditions.

Choice of type of valve in different temperature conditions will depend upon its function and your requirements, so you must have to choose the accurate kind of valves that are, [/su_box]

  • Needle valves
  • Check valves
  • Relief valves
  • Regulating valves
  • Stopcock valves
  • Ball valves
  • Butterfly valves
  • Toggle valves

Accurate size and the kind of valves are the things that make the best impact of valves on the function for which it has to be installed.

Material of the valve

First of all, as we consider the temperature conditions, then you have to before the range of temperature in which your valve is going to function. Then the materials that can bear the temperature conditions should be used. If you have to use the valves in extremely high conditions, then you must choose the valve with the material that can withstand heat and pressure.

Besides this, some valves come with cooling jackets that add the impact of cooling to maintain the temperature conditions. If you are going to use the valves in extremely low-temperature conditions, you have to choose a valve that comes with the material with low-temperature resistance. You should also have to consider the kind of chemical or fluid you are going to use with the valve. This is another factor that will impact the choice of material as you have to choose the valve with the material that will be compatible with the chemical material inside the valve.

Requirements of performance

Firstly, you have to define all your temperature and pressure conditions requirements. You have to mention both temperature and pressure ranges in which you want to function your valve. It will help you choose the right kind of material valve for different temperatures. Suppose you are going to use this valve with a high temperature. In that case, it is suggested to use the valve of metal, as it can bear high-temperature conditions better than any other materials. If you are going to you highly pressurized gases or fluids in the valves, they will also be able to withstand the pressure conveniently.

Also, choose valves that have a robust preventive system against backflow, especially when you are going to use them in high-temperature conditions.


In different temperature conditions, you have to consider the point of maintenance. Whenever you are going to choose the valve, the factor of valve maintenance will have great importance. This is the thing that will ensure the reliability and stability of the valve in different temperature conditions. In such conditions, ball valves are considered more stable and reliable with all qualities of good maintenance. This valve will resist jamming, malfunctioning, and clogging the valves. But if you have requirements to adjust the liquid flow according to your choice, then it will not be good for you. If you are going to use the valve in a high-pressure flow, these valves will produce leakage or failure.

Connection types will also be responsible when it comes to selecting valves in different temperature conditions.


Many kinds of valves are available in the market, with different options to choose from in different temperature conditions. You have to define your requirements and the range of temperature in which you are going to use the valve. Then select the valve that will match t\o the standards and conditions and will fulfill all your requirements. Here are some points and tips that you have to consider before making a selection of valves in different temperature conditions.

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