A351 CN7M Gate Valve

ball valve open and closed positions

CN7M Valve, Valves made of CN7M, good option for serving sulfurs acid, phosphoric acid. CN7M ball valve, globe valve, check valve and gate valves are for options.

Key Specifications / Features

A351 CN7M and it’s forged equivalent is Forged Alloy 20 (ASTM A182 F20), a speciality grade of Austenitic Stainless steel often referred to as ‘super’ stainless steels. Forged Monel 400 (UNS N14400) and it’s cast equivalent A494 M35-1 are Nickel Copper Alloy Steels as is Monel K500.

Fluid Served: Acetic acid (hot), sulfates and sulfites, sulfurus acid, phosphoric acid, nitric acid

Other service: petrochemical and gasoline, solvents, plastics, synthetics, and explosives

Full range of CN7M Valves: Ball Valve, Gate Valve, Globe Valve and Check Valves.

The Applications of A351 CN7M Gate Valve

ASTM A351 CN7M gate valves are designed for use in highly corrosive environments. The CN7M alloy composition provides excellent resistance to chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking, making these valves suitable for applications in the chemical processing, pulp and paper, and offshore industries. Their durable construction and reliable performance make them a common choice for controlling the flow of aggressive fluids and gases.

How to Select the Right A351 CN7M Gate Valve

When selecting an ASTM A351 CN7M gate valve, consider the specific operating conditions, such as pressure, temperature, and the corrosive nature of the media. Valve size, end connection type, and body material grade should be carefully matched to the application requirements. Consulting with a valve specialist can help ensure the chosen CN7M gate valve meets the necessary performance and safety standards.

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